My running friends and I often have the discussion of the “creepy” people we run into on our runs. Sometimes they’re creepy, sometimes they’re insane & sometimes they have way too much energy. I thought I’d break it down and see how many different types of runners we often see. So, what type of runner are you?
What Type of Runner Are You?
1. The Focused Runner
This person is the one who you inventively pass somewhere along your route. They stare straight ahead, don’t make eye contact and continue at their way too fast pace.
2. The Friendly Runner
This runner is the one who says hi to every single person they pass. There may even be a causal wave or a stop to pet the 3 dogs walking by.
3. The Bubbly Runner
Oh the bubbly runner. It is pretty much a guarantee that you will “run” into this person at the end of your run when you are gross, sweaty & had enough. They will tell you what an awesome job you are doing and to keep up the great work… oh and you look awesome. Let’s ignore the fact that they don’t have an ounce of sweat on their body. They might even bounce as they run past you. You know exactly who I’m talking about.
4. The Competitive Runner
This runner is the one who drives his/her friends crazy. They are obsessed with pace, PRs, and finding new races to “dominate”.
5. The Creeper
Okay chances are this person isn’t really a runner you see. They are the weird guy mowing their lawn in a skirt (I wish I was kidding), that truck you see driving by 3 times on your run or that person who is just staring at you when you run by.
So what type of runner are you? Did we miss any?