Spring Is In the Air – Friday Favorites

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Spring Friday Favorites

It is officially 60 degrees here in Indiana…. 60 DEGREES! Out of nowhere I feel like there is a light at the end of the dark tunnel that we call Winter. Not that we’ve had a particularly long winter here in the Midwest, but we’ve hit record colds, almost hit record snows and I’m pretty sure most schools are tacking on days at the end of the year. Needless to say I don’t think many people are complaining around here the spring is coming.

With a weekend of nice weather ahead I can’t wait to spend it working in the yard, going to the park, taking walks and sneaking in a 5k!

Spring is officially on the way in and there are a few things (other than the warm weather) that are just making my week.

My Water Bottle

I have a cup problem, a serious cup problem. I always am buying new coffee mugs, travel mugs and most recently water bottles. If it looks cool, chances are it is coming home with me. The problem I run into is that a lot of the ones I buy aren’t exactly functional for running or grabbing a quick sip during a workout.

Kohls had a pretty good deal on the Contigo Addison Water Bottles a few weeks ago so I picked one up. Not long after that Zulilly put them on sale as well and I might just have a 24 oz one coming to me! A few of my friends have very simliar Camelbak Water Bottle but this one seemed like it would do the trick. My new 32oz bottle goes EVERYWHERE with me and especially this week with getting more active outside. I’ve been aiming for filling it up 3-4 times a day.

How much water do you drink a day?

BBQ Chicken Pizza

Okay, definitely not qualifying under the “spring” theme here but has anyone else had BBQ Chicken Pizza before?

It is my long time favorite from Papa Johns but I had it from a newer to me restaurant this week. It is probably one of the worst things for you (bread loaded up with BBQ sauce, chicken bacon and three kinds of cheese) but fantastic is an understatement. At the end of the day I would choose this type of pizza over a regular pizza, no questions asked.

iTunes Radio

I might be the last person on earth to discover this, but I found iTunes Radio this week. Sometimes Pandora nails it for me and sometimes it misses completely. I was having an off week with Pandora and accidentally clicked on the radio in iTunes. It is safe to say that the rest of my week I’m sticking with that! 90’s pop anyone?

What are your favorite things this week?


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