Book Review: The Shop On Blossom Street

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As a knitter I’m always looking for new books to read that bring me back around to knitting. Debbie Macomber opens up the world of knitting inside the city of Seattle with the Blossom Shop series. The series starts out with The Shop On Blossom Street. This is the first book of a five book series.

Without giving anything away, the story revolves around a group of knitters who join a “Knit to Quit” group. Each person has a reason for being there and each has a story to tell. The book follows different knitters and friends from Blossom street as they go through the quitting process.

I thought the book was a great start to the series. The book takes place over the course of one summer, so there were parts of it that were sort of rushed in order to fit the entire summer into the one book. There were moments reading the book where I felt like it could have been split into two, to evolve a story line or two a little more. I would’ve liked to see more details as the characters grew and learned about their new friends and family members.

While the book did follow different a variety of story lines, each characters story lines were different enough that I never got any of the characters confused. Debbie did a good job of introducing each character and bringing in background on the characters by bringing in people from their past. Having the background information made the story line easy to follow.

Each chapter started out with a quote from someone from the knitting world. The quotes ranged from “why i like my knitting” to “what knitting means to me”.

I recommend this book to both knitters and non-knitters. While it is technically a book about a knitting shop, it doesn’t require you to have any background knowledge of knitting. There were characters in the book who didn’t knit at all. If you’re looking for a book that doesn’t require too much thinking, but still takes you into another world, I recommend it.

I’m starting the next book in the series, A Good Yarn, tonight.

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